NFDI4Health was represented at the Dataverse Community Meeting 2023, which was held at the University of Minho in Braga, Portugal, from June 5th to June 7th, by Johannes Darms and Vera Clemens. Dataverse is an open-source software designed for research data management, facilitating the dissemination of FAIR research data across various disciplines. The Community Meeting brought together developers and users of the Dataverse software from various backgrounds to discuss and exchange knowledge.
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In the last week before the summerbreak of the German Bundestag, the Committee for Education, Research, and Technology Assessment held a public consultation on the topic "Data use in health research". On July 5 Professor Juliane Fluck, NFDI4Health spokesperson and NFDI representative in the field of health, was invited as an expert.
On 20 and 21 June, the Federal Ministry of Health organised the "Data for Health Conference 2023". Leading experts from the USA and Europe discussed the framework conditions and possibilities for the use of health data. NFDI4Health took the opportunity to present two innovative approaches based on Code2Data technology to the expert audience from science and politics.
Under the motto "Caring is Sharing - Exploiting Value in Data for Health and Innovation", experts from all over Europe met from 22 to 25 May to discuss the latest developments in data sharing in the health sector. In the following, Matthias Löbe, who represented NFDI4Health at the event, reports on his contribution.
On 11 May, our second workshop for the development of the NFDI4Health Central Access Point (CAP) took place. Our goal is to develop a tool for a simplified, unified and digital application management for research data.
The National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data (NFDI4Health) is setting up four projects in the field of citizen science. The goal is to reduce concerns about the use of data through intensive exchange with interested citizens and to demonstrate the opportunities it offers.
We will be at the 60th Scientific Congress of the German Society of Nutrition in Bonn from 15 to 17 March. Feel free to come to our booth and/or listen to a presentation on NFDI4Health + live demo on Friday from 09 to 10 am in lecture hall 5/6 at Campus Poppelsdorf. We look forward to questions and a good exchange!