Key objectives

The overarching goal of NFDI4Health is to support its clinical and epidemiological research community in the best possible way to share their data with the user community in agreement with data protection/privacy regulations and ethics principles and, in the interest of improving population health, create new data analytics opportunities within the German NFDI.
To reach these goals in accordance with the FAIR data principles, the key objectives of NFDI4Health are
(1) to enable findability of and access to structured health data from clinical trials, epidemiological studies, disease registries, administrative health databases and public health surveillance in Germany;
(2) to implement a health data framework for centralised searching and accessing existing decentralised epidemiological/clinical trial data infrastructures;
(3) to facilitate data sharing, record linkage, harmonised data quality assessments, federated analyses of personal health data;
(4) to enable the development and deployment of new, machine-processable consent mechanisms and innovative data access services;
(5) to support cooperation between clinical trial research, epidemiological and public health communities;
(6) to foster interoperability of currently fragmented IT solutions related to metadata repositories, cohort browsing, data quality and harmonisation.